The client funnel is an essential concept in marketing that refers to the stages that potential clients go through before making a decision.

Understanding the client funnel on your website can help you optimise your website’s content and user experience to improve conversions and sales. 

Every business is different. However, most client funnels have five stages. Here’s a breakdown of the basic client funnel and how to apply it to your website:


The awareness stage is the first stage of the client funnel, where potential clients become aware of your brand and offerings. At this stage, your website’s content should focus on providing value and building brand awareness. Use search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques to attract organic traffic to your website, create engaging and informative blog posts, and promote your content on social media channels.


In the interest stage, potential clients have shown interest in your brand and offerings. At this stage, your website’s content should provide more detailed information about your products or services and demonstrate your expertise and credibility. Use case studies, whitepapers, and testimonials to showcase your products or services’ benefits and value.


In the consideration stage, potential clients actively consider your offerings. At this stage, your website’s content should focus on providing solutions to your potential client’s pain points and addressing any objections they may have. Use comparison tables, product demos, and live chat support to help potential clients make informed decisions.


In the action stage, potential clients purchase or take another desired action, such as signing up for a newsletter or filling out a contact form. At this stage, your website’s content should focus on providing clear and compelling calls to action (CTAs) that encourage potential clients to take action. Use colours, action-oriented language, and a sense of urgency to improve your website’s conversion rate.


In the retention stage, existing clients become repeat customers and advocates for your brand. At this stage, your website’s content should focus on building a relationship with your clients, providing exceptional customer service, and encouraging them to leave reviews and referrals. Email marketing, loyalty programs, and social media engagement can be used to retain clients.

Ensure you have clear and compelling CTAs in the action stage, build the relationship, and encourage advocacy in the retention stage. By providing value, detailed information, demonstrating credibility and providing solutions, you can improve your website’s conversion rate and drive long-term growth and success for your business.

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Getting the client funnel right is the #1 priority.

Understanding your clients and how to funnel them on your website is essential in optimising your content and creating a positive user experience.

Get in touch today.